Friday, July 31, 2009

An Ounce of Prevention

I bought these cute water bottles for the girls at Uwajimaya today in an attempt to offset the spillage that occurs in our home, our car, our bed, on my clothing, in my get the idea. We've recycled Emma's toddler bottles so now they're Phoebe's, which may be the flaw right there. I would love to get feedback from other Moms on how NOT to cry over spilled milk because for the life of me I can't seem to get rid of the smell or the stains milk leaves behind.

Anyway, back to the water bottles.

I thought, with the retractable straw, the liquid would be more easily contained than a regular sippy or bottle. Turns out a determined toddler will shake and twist the liquid out of anything. Not a minute after I filled Phee's bottle with water and sat her down at the table did she have the thing upside down, shaking it while squeezing the straw so more would come out. This would have been less damaging to me and the wood table and floor if I, lost in confidence that this would work, had not turned around and gone back to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.

All in all, no real damage has come of the spilled liquids. You just get that with kids. But I still can't get the smell of spoiled milk out of my nose.

p.s. The purple one is Pochacco (for Phoebe, natch, the dog lover) and the Hello Kitty is for Emma.

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