Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Day's Work

My schedule during these last days of summer is dependent upon my kids. As many parents know, school-free days mean feeding, entertaining and obliging the whims of our wee ones. Whether that means play dates, movies, parks, libraries, paddling pools, whatever. My days are dictated by my girls' schedules.

This is fine with me. Ordinarily a task-oriented person, I've come to accept scratching one or two items off rather than tackling my entire list of To-Do's for the day. I like to think it helps me achieve some sort of balance. It also gives me a bit of an excuse in getting my business launched.

I don't have any grand plans for making millions from scanning photos or hiring underlings to do the dirty work while I scheme a way to rake it in. I would just like to keep busy, stay sharp and maybe learn some new skills. If I earn a few bucks in the process, great. If I can sustain a small home business while still being available to my family, even better.

But the truth is that I'm scared of putting myself out there. It wouldn't take any time at all to put an ad up on craigslist, get something going and work out the kinks along the way (which I'll probably do to some extent), but it's scary. As I mentioned above, my routine is dictated by the needs of my children. There is some safety in that. As I stall while perfecting my letterpress business cards, calculating price points and working toward a scanning rhythm, I'm easing into the idea of coming out of that cocoon.

For some time I've been working on possible logos for Studio 110. The picture above shows small icons, which I might use on stationary or stickers.

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