Thursday, April 7, 2011

Down But Not Out

Our family is finally coming out of our latest phase of illness. As many of you parents know, our little darlings run out into the world only to bring back the meanest, baddest germs you can imagine and gleefully goo them at us. My children are excellent germ disseminators. So excellent that both Doug and I were completely knocked down for a few days, trying to juggle work, parenting duties and our respective training schedules at the same time.

During these "down" times, we attempt a zen-like outlook where we declare that "the bridge is up." We live in a city divided by water, with a number of bridges that go up at some inopportune moments. Late to an appointment? Traffic is backed up because a boat with an incredibly tall mast is going through. Cars are stopped with engines off, their passengers leaving car doors open to lean against the edge of the bridge for a better look at the boat or to muse at the sun dancing on the water. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do but turn off your engine and wait, too. The bridge is up. Take a load off.

I love when the bridge is up - when I am appointment-free and the kids have already gone to the restroom. But I admit, as a lover of crossing off the To Do list, "bridge up" days are difficult. I beat myself up for failing to complete whatever tasks deemed important. I feel guilty for taking a nap.

When I shared these concerns with one of my trainers for the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon, he encouraged me to rest up so I'll be totally ready to begin training again. When I returned, I was able to keep up with other runners who are usually in front of me. It felt great!

I'll continue to work on enjoying the "bridge up" days,  perhaps even working a few more into our schedule to maintain a little more up and down balance.

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