Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Put Your Art Into It

I am currently obsessed with the reality show, "Work of Art," on Bravo. It's basically a group of artists who create works based on challenges that are evaluated to see if their "art works" for the judges. "Project Runway" on a canvas.

I love this show for the same reasons I love "Project Runway."  The creative process is fascinating. I like seeing what mediums the artists choose, what risks they take and how they resolve issues about their early concepts versus the finished product. I enjoy watching how they incorporate simple photographs (or in one episode, a photocopier image!), pen and ink, chalk, even computer programs like Photoshop to convey their interpretations of the challenges.

In one episode the contestants were asked to make book covers for classic novels. The winner would have their art published on the cover of the book. So awesome. The image above is the winning Penguin Books cover of "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells, art by John Parot.

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