Monday, June 28, 2010

Sore sport

I'm sore today.

The "I-must-be-getting-old-and-I-am-out-of-shape" kind of sore.

And I didn't even run.

Sunday morning I got up and at 'em, out the door before 7 a.m. I am not a morning person, nor do I enjoy getting out of bed for any reason before 9 a.m. But knowing that this was my only opportunity for a run/walk before Tuesday, I had to grab the chance while I could. So, in an effort to prepare for my upcoming 8K, I decided to walk it.

I'm having some trouble wrapping my brain around the time necessary to run this race. Based on my 11+ minute-miles, I figure it will take me about an hour and-a-half to complete it. To knock down some mental barriers (and because I don't think I could run it), I decided to walk twice around Green Lake.

I've walked around twice before, but always during gab-fests with girlfriends where the time and distance melted away with our chatting. This time I had Regina Spektor.

It was great. It was the day after the Rock 'n Roll Marathon, so I'm guessing lots of folks ordinarily running Green Lake on a weekend morning were rightfully asleep. The weather was cool, with the sun peeking out. I was invigorated for the rest of our Sunday, which consisted of our weekly visit to the Ballard Farmers' Market, the library, yard work with the girls outside. I felt good. Until I didn't.

My neck started its old flare around 10 p.m. Ibuprofen and ice helped until I fell asleep around 11 p.m. When my two-year-old climbed into bed with us at 2 a.m., I was so twisted and turned that I couldn't handle lying down anymore. I went downstairs to the La-Z-Boy.

Despite watching, "Behind the Music: Courtney Love," most of "Apollo 13," "Far and Away" and every horrible informercial you can imagine, I still couldn't sleep. By the time "Flight of the Conchords" came on at 6:30 a.m., I drifted off just in time to be awakened by Doug, who was getting ready for work despite not getting any sleep, either.

Today was rocky. I felt better after more ibuprofen and lots of water. Stress, coupled with not replenishing fluids hit me hard. If I'm going to continue training, I'm going to need to fuel my body with stuff it can actually use. I thought a 2-year-old's 2 a.m. wake-up call was rude, but our own bodies can be very convincing.

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