Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Three months, a blue moon and a job

First of all, I know it's been over three months since I wrote anything on this blog. It's probably been more than three months since I wrote anything other than holiday cards (which got out late) and grocery lists (which don't work because I still go down every aisle and buy stuff I don't need anyway).

But as I sat down in my lovely work studio with the bright green wall, I noticed that the blogs I follow are BLOWING UP with photographs, witty words and handcrafted artwork. It is so inspiring to read about the projects friends are working on, or just to hear what fun and funky discussion topics are out there. So just like the blue moon shining out my window, I've decided to get back out there and actually write something.

Which brings me to an actual job meeting I had this afternoon. I think it went well, but it left me asking a lot of questions I've never dealt with before. I'm very new to freelancing and uncomfortable with pricing my work. Having been at jobs where an hourly rate was already established and raises determined by someone else's evaluation of my work, I admit to having no idea how to set a price to my time, abilities and work. I think it's also difficult for some people (perhaps women in general and me in particular?) to ask for substantial payment for their services. This is an entire framework I'm learning to navigate. I don't want to delve too deep into the psychology, but I definitely need to think about the valuable skill set I have to offer. Hopefully this experience - and the job - will create more confidence for me so that it will come more naturally.
It's not quite a feminist manifesto, but for me, it's a start.

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