Saturday, September 12, 2009

Family Bumber

Monday, the final day of Bumbershoot, was our Family Day at the festival. Kids in tow, we met up with another family (our longtime pals, Max and Ellen) for a more family-balanced approach to Bumbershoot.
We caught the Films for Families, which featured a couple of local filmmakers, then sprinted over to see Recess Monkey and check out the art featured in the Northwest Rooms. The Drawing Jam turned out to be a happy surprise--the large room featured art supplies, (clothed) artist models to draw or paint, a paper-clad wall where festival goers could make their mark, a clay-making area and a block printing area. We spent quite a bit of time there, enjoying the soft music played by live musicians while we drew or sketched. I really enjoyed watching Emma take some time to make pieces she was proud of. It felt good to have quality time with her amidst the clamor of the festival.

Max and Emma engaged in one the art exhibits where you were asked to go into one of the "pods" on display to clear your mind and think of a solitary thought. You were then supposed to tell your thought to the "silent scribe" (the artist), who wrote your thought on a shrinky dink plastic disc with a stamped design, shrunk it in a convection oven, and tied it on a ribbon so you could "take your thought with you." What an amazing way to interact with the art on display, talk with the artist and learn something about yourself. I was especially impressed that our eight-year-olds took on the task...and were thrilled with their results. Emma's thought was "Chances" and Max's was "Annakin."

The kids also got a kick out of an installation piece, which was a huge teeter-totter that went up and down, but also rotated 360 degrees while doing so. Their weight was so even that a few times they spun around slowly, completely even with one another. So so cool.

We braved the rain for most of the morning, but amazingly, for Black Eyed Peas, the sun came out and it was hot at Memorial Stadium. Their set was so upbeat and fun, though Emma decided this was the time to sit down and read "Grimm's Fairy Tales." At one point both of my girls were sitting down while Doug and I jumped around like crazy children.

We caught a couple of other acts, ate some and bought a poster from the Flatstock poster sale. By that time I was pretty exhausted from my three day of festival fun. My feet hurt, we were getting cranky and we were soaked. A new Kim Family tradition? Maybe. We have all year to plan for the next one.

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